Friday, June 8, 2012

Bonus Story: Wolf Girl

My first attempt at writing Wild Child was in the form of a single, hand-bound artist book about a girl raised by wolves--a veiled autobiography. (This was also my college thesis project.) Years later I resolved to grow a pair and quit hiding behind a persona in my comics. But I love the archetypical character of the feral child, the patron saint of the free-spirited loner, so I decided to include, in addition to my life experiences, a storyline about a girl who runs away from home and is raised by wolves--to function as an allegory for my individual psyche while being a relatable figure who will appeal more to the collective unconscious. 

By the way, about 8 pages of Part 2 are sketched out, so watch for new work soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sigh... I wish I had one tenth of your talent and originality, not to mention your sense of design.

    When I grow up...
